At Netadvia, we specialise in high-performance network technologies that provide a balance of throughput and latency, depending on the required use-case. The Vectorised Packet Processor, or VPP, provided by the project, provides a highly optimised and efficient software network stack that can be deployed on any Linux-based system. VPP uses the Data Plane Development Kit, or DPDK, to interface with network hardware in a highly optimised way, ensuring that packets are read from, and written to the network as efficiently as possible. VPP also uses Intel AVX and SSE instructions to maximise network packet processing throughput where multiple packets can be handled at any time in parallel.
We have worked with a number of clients to reduce the network latency of their applications by switching to VPP’s network stack and achieved a reduction in latency of up to 90% over the Linux Kernel’s network stack, specifically when interfacing with trading server APIs using TCP/IP connections.